Sunday, June 17, 2012

...and I'm up!

Do you ever sit there and wonder why other people get so much accomplished in a day? I am convinced they either:

A) Wake up earlier
B) The second they wake up start accomplishing their goals
C) Stay up later
D) All of the above

Well, I certainly ascribed to A and B on the list. My wife sometimes jokes that I am able to create time for myself--getting extra things accomplished she had no idea I could do.

I find that summer is a super productive period in my life. I get up at my normal time (most days) and then head downstairs and start writing NEDGE or another one of my other works. I do the same during the school year but since time is so predetermined by the school bells, I feel as though I can only get half of my "chosen" work accomplished.

Hooray for summer.

I am 800 words behind in my goal since I took a little road trip yesterday. I'll probably catch up once I ride the train in the coming days...

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