Friday, June 22, 2012

The Stakes...

I have been working on raising the stakes in my book.

The world of Nedge has always had danger, but there were points where I would classify the danger as "Narnia" danger. For those of you who saw the major motion picture that came out about 6 years ago, you know what I mean...

The four kids are walking across Narnia and start to scream, run, and hide! Oh no! Danger lurks around the corner... Screech! Never mind, it's just Santa. Cue the disappointing music. 

False drama can be a little annoying.

Looking over Nedge, I caught a few points where I included false drama. In response to that I have been trying to up the stakes. At any point there is danger, I am trying to make it truly Dangerous, with a capital D.

There are lots of good things that come from this:

1) My characters are forced to experience deeper emotions
2) The readers feel a bigger pull to read on and follow the journey
3) It will make a better movie (ha!)

So, here's to a dangerous weekend...

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