Saturday, November 24, 2012


I teach on story making, so it makes me laugh that I stumble on some of the basic principles of my own story. Don't even get me on "those who can't..."

Needless to say, I have (perhaps) made a breakthrough with my work. Today I stepped back and looked at my piece and asked myself what was holding it back. I realized it was too similar to other works that I love. Then I asked, "Why?"

I realized that the setting was something linking it to other "hero's journey" stories. So I went with my other location for the setting and POOF! One of my biggest issues may have just been solved.

I suppose what I need more than anything is to sit down and have a mentor walk me through the big picture, just like I do for my students. I think that sounding board is important. Those close to me are probably sick of me chattering about the ideas and details...

Which leads me to my next step. A professional critique. I think I am almost ready to get someone's official word on this. Not someone who knows me. Not someone who wants to tell me good things. Someone professional who will push me in the right direction...

Time will tell.

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